Kaiya Duskwallow

A botanist turned club designer and distillery owner's adventures in Eorzea

About Kaiya

Kaiya was born near Ishgard to an Ilsabardian Miqo'te who had been smuggled out of Garlemald by resistance members. When she came of age, Kaiya started working with members of the Garlean Resistance based out of Ishgard. While working with the resistance, Kaiya traveled around Eorzea studying arcanism, botany and alchemy and met up with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.Shortly after the events of Castrum Meridianum, Kaiya came across an injured Garlean soldier named Aramor Duskwallow. He convinced her he was an escaped Garlean conscript trying to get to Ishgard to meet with his contacts in the Resistance. She decided to help him and nursed him back to health while they traveled together. On their way to Ishgard, they ran into Miko Mizuhiki, a mercenary who was after Aramor. After a very tense standoff, they realized Miko had been hired by a third-party working for the Garleans to kill Aramor before he could deliver Garlean state secrets to the Resistance. Miko decided to help Kaiya and Aramor get back to Ishgard. Kaiya, Aramor, and Miko parted ways for a time and Kaiya continued working with the Resistance and the Scions.Back in Ishgard, prior to a Resistance job, Kaiya reconnected with Aramor and he showed her he had started a business that was a front for the Resistance. He was operating it out of a large plot of land he had been given in exchange for his cooperation with Ishgardian authorities in turning over information on the Garleans. Kaiya suggested she could combine her alchemy and botany knowledge with Aramor’s magitek expertise to convert some of the large warehouse his business was running out of into a distillery and brewery to help him bring in more profits to fund Resistance activities.The distillery and brewery soon became successful, so they decided they should convert more of the warehouse into a nightclub to cater to the influx of new adventurers and travelers. As they were designing the new club, Miko resurfaced in Ishgard and came to visit. She had continued working with the Resistance and was looking for a new base of operations. Kaiya and Aramor immediately hired her to help out with the new club and the three worked together to open Ceruleum. Now Kaiya focuses on keeping the distillery and brewery up and running in between her adventures and botany excursions.

Dedicated to bringing you an Eorzean nightlife experience like no other, Ceruleum features great music, an immersive environment, and great company every Friday night.

Location: Crystal - Mateus - Empyreum - Ward 5 - Plot 30

FFXIV Housing Design

Impressed with Ceruleum's design? Check out some of Kaiya's other housing creations next time you're scrolling on your tomestone.

Design commissions coming soon.